Priceline Pharmacy

Introducing the wonderful team from Priceline Pharmacy #BeaumarisCity! As you may already know Chetan, the friendly face you'll see when you pop into Beaumaris City, is the owner of the pharmacy!

(Pictured left to right) Lisa, Tanya, Chetan & Brianna are here to assist you by giving you advice and talking through your health concerns. From the knowledge pharmacists to the highly trained cosmeticians, they aim to give you the best advice and recommendations along with great prices and the latest products.

FUN FACT: The whole team absolutely love dogs and welcomes your cute furry friends into the store - They also all enjoy brain teasers - like riddles, to keep them on their toes.

One of Chetan's favourite aspects of the pharmacy is the local customers and the relations the team builds with them. This goes hand in hand with the team's passion to give back to the community through hampers, voucher giveaways and helping pay for the seniors club day out!

Next time you're at Beaumaris City, make sure to pop into Priceline Pharmacy and say hello to the friendly team!